
Friday 26 June 2015


Whilst you've been enjoying (I hope) Saltaire's colourful mini-scenes, I've been away on holiday. I'm also studying an online Photography course with OU (the wonderful Open University). The course continues for another six to eight weeks of hard work (though most enjoyable and instructional so far). I'm not doing much commenting on other blogs, I'm afraid. Apologies, I will resume when I can.

Added to that, my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters are moving house in the first week of July, from London back to Yorkshire. I'm delighted of course. I hope I shall see more of them, albeit for shorter periods of time. I'm interested to see what that means in practice for my accustomed rhythm of life but it will be lovely working it out so that it suits us all. I shall certainly be in demand during the 'moving-in' week for cleaning and childcare.

I have some holiday photos to share here and quite a few pictures from various lovely days out with friends. I might also share some of the photos I am taking as part of the course. But if I am 'quieter' than usual you'll at least understand why.


  1. Having enough time for blogging and commenting seems to e a common problem; I've had to prioritise other things recently too. Loved the recent shots, though, and good news about the family move. The trouble with distance is you can't just pop in for a cup of tea.

  2. I did enjoy the 'colour' series Jenny.Lots going on for you right now, enjoy and stay sane :)

  3. Hello! You have lots of fun things occupying you. Don't worry about us.

  4. I've been a bit out of touch myself...the summer days go by so fast. Very excited for you to have the kids closer...we are waiting for a new granddaughter due sometime in the next 2 weeks. I have loved your posts this past week.
