
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Lincoln Castle

Lincoln has a fine castle, originally built by William the Conqueror in 1068 on the site of a Roman fortress. You can clearly see, in the photo above, the original 'motte' - the earth mound on which the Norman castle was built. Of course, it has undergone huge changes over the years and many structures have been added to the original.

It has recently undergone some restoration so that you can now walk the entire circuit of its great stone curtain walls and explore its towers and dungeons. At one time public hangings were carried out there, witnessed by the townspeople gathered in the streets below. There is a graveyard within one of the towers, where some of those hanged are buried.

Lincoln has one of the four remaining original copies of the Magna Carta, the charter of liberties agreed between King John and the barons exactly 800 years ago, which enshrined the principle that the monarch had to act within the rule of law and gave rights to 'freemen'. It influenced the American constitution and even today it stands as an important symbol of liberty. It is now housed in a purpose-built vault within the Castle so that visitors can see it and learn its history.


  1. Looks very beautiful ! The Romans really have been everywhere I go too, lol !

  2. It's years since I went to Lincoln Castle. I really must go and take a look at it again some time.

  3. It looks fabulous, Jenny!

  4. Beautiful stone work on that castle!

  5. Great shots of a great subject . . :)

  6. This would be a most interesting place to visit. The top photo is, again, excellent.
