
Saturday 22 August 2015

Through the mill

I've photographed this view of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal cutting between Salts Mill and the New Mill more times than I like to count. So often, in fact, that I almost take it for granted and can't be bothered to shoot it again. However, on one of my lunchtime walks I noticed that the water was unnaturally calm (unusual during the day). One of the reasons the site was chosen for the Victorian mill was because of the strong prevailing wind down the valley, great for blowing the chimney smoke away, so the water is rarely unruffled. Anyway, the calm conditions meant the reflections were really special. I thought it worthy of a snap on my iPhone even though the light was flat and the sky dull white with overcast cloud. It wasn't a great photo so I decided to play around with a texture layer to add more colour and interest. It's 'been through the mill' a bit and I am really pleased with the result, so much so that this image is one of my ten submissions for the OU final assignment.


  1. It is a familiar scene with a new face.

  2. It's a grand scene and the reflections are remarkable. Nice one!

  3. It's brilliant, well done.

  4. Wow, what an incredible image - I love it. It is almost like a painting and the colours are amazing.

  5. It's a wonderful image, Jenny!

  6. Yes, we have seen that scene before, but not with the special treatment you have given it. Good luck with the reviewers.

  7. This is really nice! This winter I would love to play around again with textures and effects. T
