
Saturday 8 August 2015

Up and over

The annual Bingley Show, this year the 134th, is always a highlight of the local calendar. In recent years it has suffered badly from weather problems, having to be cancelled altogether in 2012 due to flooding on the main showground, which is right beside the river. For some reason that I can't now recall, I didn't get to the show last year. I did manage it this year and the weather was kind, with sunshine in the morning.

It's always best to get there early before it gets too crowded, as there is plenty happening from the moment the gates open. The show jumping starts off the events in the main arena. I haven't the right lens to get close images and I found it hard this year to get a good position with the sun in the right place and a relatively uncluttered background. This was my best effort. It does show the concentration and co-operation necessary between horse and rider.


  1. Photographing horses jumping is one of those subjects that ought to be easy but somehow isn't. I know, I've tried - and with far inferior results to what you've achieved.

  2. It's always such fun to watch these jumping events. I end up so tense as I suffer through the rounds with each horse - you want them all to be perfect! ;-))

  3. Nicely done. No need for apologies. You got them up in the air with good position and color.

  4. This is such a beautiful shot. Good job.
