
Friday 14 August 2015

Waterloo in red, white and blue

Bingley Show - Some wonderful flower arrangements on display. Speaking as someone who can just about manage to put daffodils in a jar, I am always amazed at the skill and artistry that goes into such pieces. I thought Gattina might like this one, since she lives in the city of Waterloo in Belgium. She was showing some pictures of the recent commemorations of the bicentenary of the battle (here) on her always interesting and amusing blog.


  1. My flower-arranging skills stop at cutting all the stalks to the same length so I admire people who can do clever stuff like this.

  2. Using boots as a vase is really very original ! ! Thank you for linking to my blog !

  3. It is colorful. I have a fondness for red, white and blue, as you might imagine.

    Maybe I need to help you with flower arranging. First, do things in threes. Second, think "thriller, filler and spiller" . . .
