
Friday 2 October 2015

Pointing heavenwards

I was staying, as I have done before, at Scargill House: an international Christian community, holiday, retreat and conference centre. It's in Upper Wharfedale, just outside the village of Kettlewell. The iconic chapel's roof made a bold statement, looming out of the mist. On a better day, the views from inside the chapel through those huge, clear windows are awesome. It's a wonderful place in which to worship.  For more information about the Scargill Movement - and more photos - click the Scargill House label below and also look at their website.

My very first post about the Centre, back in 2009, described how it had been forced to close and a rescue plan was taking shape. The news on that is tremendous. Much practical work has been done to bring the buildings back into good repair and many of the bedrooms have been completely updated to lovely, ensuite rooms. There is a growing and lively community of families, couples and single people at its heart. Many of them are young people, from all over the world, who come for a year or so to serve, learn, develop skills and enjoy community alongside a core of more mature leaders who tend to stay for a few years. The community therefore constantly changes, which must be challenging but also makes it exciting and vibrant. It's a great success story, a lovely place reborn and reinvigorated with a compelling vision to see lives transformed by the love of God in Jesus Christ and to offer hospitality to all.


  1. What a beautiful place! So thankful that there were people who saw to it to do the repairs.

  2. Fabulous shot, Jenny! Glad the place has been saved.

  3. I looked at your 2009 post as well as this one, and it is pleasing to see the growth in your photographic talent. This misty scene is so well composed and presented.

  4. Looks very beautiful, both the churc and the landscape.
    Greetings from Finland
