
Friday 4 December 2015


At this time of year the light is ever-changing and can sometimes be lovely when the low sun illuminates familiar scenes and highlights them in a new way. I liked the way the light caught the trees along the canal, turning the few remaining leaves to gold. There were pretty dappled reflections on the wall of Salts Mill too.

I think, on balance, the crop above is the more 'professional' but I had a lot of indecision about it. The wider view below has a different feel but I also like it. 


  1. The navvies building the Leeds-Liverpool could never have realised that one day their creation might be perceived as beautiful.

  2. I think you're spot on Jenny, both excellent images but the cropped version is more balanced. I often waver over that decision too :) Happy weekend.

  3. I rarely vascillate between photos, but every once in awhile I just like both. I loved the cropped version best, but it was really nice to see the wider version too. Glad you posted both, it makes me feel much better about my own feelings about photography!

  4. If we had seen only one of them, either one, we would have thought "How lovely." Being asked to pick one is a bit like asking which child is better.

  5. Both beautiful but I like the first best.
