
Friday 18 December 2015

Living Advent Calendar 2015

It's been a tradition in Saltaire since 2006 to dress the village as a 'Living Advent Calendar'. Each year residents and businesses in the village decorate windows with suitable themes and one window is 'opened' every day from 1st December until Christmas Eve. It draws visitors to Saltaire and it's fun to follow the trail through the village. We have a Facebook page too, for those who can't manage to visit: click here.

It's been my tradition since 2009 (gosh! that long?...) to show a few of the windows I like best on this blog so you can all join in the fun.  The Advent windows have got more ambitious over the years. Some of them look great in photos and others look much better for real and in close up. Hopefully my photography has got better too.  Here's the first one, window number 10, on Whitlam Street - not too fussy but exquisite and very effective, I think.


  1. It is lovely. It must be fun walking through the village to see the windows. How are the homes chosen to do it.?

    1. Diane, they are volunteers. There's an organising group who work out the order to make the Trail work. A mix of 'old hands' and new ones. As it has got more well known there are more willing homes so this year there were several 'opened' on Dec 1st which makes the Trail more interesting from the start.

  2. A good idea, and this one is pretty.

  3. I look forward to your posts on this every year! The windows are festive and beautiful!

  4. This window is quite charming. Fine artistry.
