
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Water, water, everywhere.

Saltaire has a new lake! This area is designed as a flood plain alongside the river, which normally flows between the trees on the left. It is used, I think, as a cricket pitch and you can just see the pavilion roof above the water. Normally those houses on the right are well above the river but they were beginning to flood and the residents were having to evacuate.


  1. Hi Jenny - so the flood waters are backing up as well, while the fell and river waters flow down from the hills ... so sad to see ... I sincerely hope things improve or ease for all concerned. Not an easy time for the north ... Hilary

  2. Hopefully those waters recede soon.

  3. Hartford lies on the west bank of the Connecticut River. In past days, there were severe floods in the spring (yours are in the winter?!?!?), so much work has been done to provide parkland along the river that can be flooded without serious consequences when the river jumps its banks. It can look like this, but not for long. Be careful, jennyfreckles.

  4. A terrible time for northern England.
