
Thursday 4 February 2016

Little Free Library

The committed group of people who make up the Hirst Wood Regeneration Group do some excellent work on the small Hirst Wood estate, a pocket of relative deprivation just outside Saltaire. Several years ago they succeeded in getting funding and Council backing for a nice play area, which is great for the many families and young people in the area. It also has this 'Little Free Library' from which children's books can be borrowed and returned. Sadly the little box keeps getting vandalised (as does the nature reserve down by the canal that the Regen Group also recently established). It's such a shame that there are those who cannot value such initiatives and seem to want to spoilt things for everyone, for the sake of a moment of daredevilry. Hard to understand such attitudes.


  1. That is sad. It is a good concept.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of the vandalism, these libraries are so wonderful. We have many here too.

  3. I've just spotted 3 new Little Libraries here this week. There are always fools who wreck things for others!

  4. Such a great idea and shame that people can't appreciate it!

  5. Hi Jenny - you've described the destruction - that moment of dare devilty .. and not being able to know what is valuable to so many others ... it's a challenge of our time. Love this little library ... so pretty ... May people learn from others ... and take these groups lead - the library, and the nature reserve ...

    With thoughts - Hilary

  6. Damaging a little free library? How cruel! How stupid!

  7. I love the Little Free Libraries. One has to wonder about the mentality that enjoys trashing things like that.
