
Monday 22 February 2016

Mud, muck and spring greens

Some of the hawthorn in the hedgerows is bursting out in green leaves already... rather too early. I wonder what effect it will have for the rest of the year? Spring will either be a very long season or will be over in a flash and all too soon, before I have really been able to appreciate it!

Despite the signs of spring, underfoot the paths are just claggy mud. The farmer was hard at work muck-spreading - a messy and very 'fragrant' task. But even the tractor was finding the mud a bit difficult to navigate.


  1. That sounds early. But it is always nice to see something green again.

  2. Spring has started too early this year, but looks lovely in your photos.

  3. It has been such a strange winter everywhere!

  4. It'll be quite awhile before we see that here!

  5. The first signs of spring are always so welcome. Wish I could see green instead of dirty, gray snow!

  6. Look at all those muddy tracks. Maybe the farmer started too soon.

  7. That's much what it looks like here -- greening up and muddy.
