
Monday, 29 February 2016

Wool city

Since we've moved to our temporary office, I am missing my lunchtime walks around the beautiful World Heritage Site on my doorstep. Nevertheless, I have taken advantage of some bright, sunny days and I'm enjoying exploring a part of the city of Bradford that I don't really know. At one time, clearly, it was an area of textile mills and Victorian terraced housing like most of the city was between 50 and 150 years ago. Many of the old stone-built mills and most of the houses have been cleared from the area that borders the city centre to the south.  My new office is in the middle of a mixed industrial estate, full of modern prefab units with some older buildings in amongst. I was quite surprised to see that one of the remaining mills is apparently still operating as a woollen mill. I didn't realise there were any left! These bundles of wool lying in the yard evoke a certain nostalgia for the city's heyday. (I decided they deserved the vintage treatment.) Apart from the forklift truck shifting the bales, it's a scene that has changed little, in a city that has changed a lot.