
Thursday 31 March 2016


Ooh, I had to be quick to take this. I was just setting off for my regular lunchtime walk from work when I heard the sound of hooves on the tarmac.  Turning round, I saw a horse trotting at a fast pace up the hill, so I had to whip out my iPhone and take a very quick snap as it went past. This version is cropped a lot from the original as I didn't even have time to zoom in, so the image quality isn't great. Nevertheless it conveys the speed quite well, I feel. The horse has the diagonal gait of a fast trot and all four hooves off the ground at once! The little buggy it is pulling is the kind they use for harness-racing. The man's flat cap is a Yorkshire working class stereotype but something you don't see a lot these days. (They've been replaced by the ubiquitous baseball cap, I guess!) I never saw a sight like this on my walks around Salts Mill, so there are some compensations for working in a new but not quite so idyllic area.


  1. Hi Jenny - as a you say a unique sighting .. what fun - and congratulations on the photo .. cheers Hilary

  2. We do have harness racing here, so that's the first thing I thought of.

  3. Good on you for grabbing the shot! My husband often wears one of those little flat caps -- in the cold weather. In summer it's back to the baseball cap.

  4. Such an unusual sighting. It looks like an 1890 image. Well done.
