
Sunday 3 April 2016

Calverley walk 2

This stretch of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, between Calverley Bridge and Apperley Bridge, is incredibly popular with walkers (and their dogs), runners and cyclists. It has recently had improvements to the towpath which is now broad and smooth and makes for very easy walking.

The fields on the left belong to Calverley House Farm.  The swing bridge below seems to be only for use by the farm, to get from one field to another. It remains open most the time, which must come as a relief to boaters.

The canal has been quiet for a few months but the spring weather has encouraged boaters to venture out, as well as walkers and cyclists.


  1. Idyllic. I can see why this stretch is so popular.

  2. Lovely part of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal. Beautiful photos!

  3. It looks serene this time of year.

  4. Love to do that on a boat but also would enjoy walking or cycling the tow paths. I did it France once it was fun.(But I was younger then) Great shots showing peacefulness.

  5. Ohhhh. I just love those boats. Unfortunately, I am too tall for them, but I still like seeing them.
