
Sunday 8 May 2016

In Bowling Park

This is Bowling Park, which I have discovered about half a mile (uphill!) from where I now work. As parks go, it seems a bit bare and neglected - although to be fair I have not had time really to explore it. At least there are trees and green and somewhere a little away from the traffic and industry of the area. The avenue through the trees (below) might once have been as lovely and grand as the top promenade in Saltaire's Roberts Park. I suppose the park was at one time connected with the model industrial village of Ripley Ville, which was built in this area. The village has long since disappeared but the keen-eyed can still discern fascinating echoes of the past.

Incidentally, just across the road that bounds the park, to the top left of the above photo, is the ancient manor house called Bolling Hall. See here for a post about that.


  1. You can see that the park has good bones and probably was a grand place at tone time!

  2. It looks like spring's coming along nicely there. The last shot's my favourite.

  3. It looks prettier in your image than in your words.
