
Sunday 1 May 2016

Still perfect after all these years

Do you remember 'the perfect tree' that grows in Saltaire along Caroline Street? It's a type of rowan. It has white blossom in spring, then red berries and its leaves turn a wonderful colour in autumn. I love it, especially because it has a perfect story-book tree shape. I've taken several photos of it over the years but none before at this stage of its cycle, when the leaves are just appearing like little pale green baubles all along its twigs.
Click the 'perfect tree' label below, to see it in its other costumes.


  1. "Still perfect after all these years" . . . I thought I was going to read something about you.

    Yes, that tree is lovely, and its shape is perfect. I had a sugar maple in my front yard that also had a perfect form until a nasty snow storm in October about five years ago. Many limbs snapped. I guess that is Mother Nature's way of introducing a bit of irregular beauty into her creations.

  2. It IS perfect! We have one such (a tulip poplar) in a graveyard just adjacent to one of our pastures and I take its photo often.
