
Friday 17 June 2016

Blackbird singing...

Not quite in the dead of night (as the song goes) but in the evening as the sun's last rays lit up the tree. Beautiful - and we need to notice the beauty in a world that seems far too aggressive and painful at the moment.

I've been deeply upset by the senseless assassination of the young Labour MP, Jo Cox, on Thursday, just a few miles south of here. She had children the same ages as my own two granddaughters and, although I didn't know her, she looks and sounds to have been intelligent, passionate, committed to making a positive difference in the world and full of the best kind of life, not unlike my own daughter. Such a tragedy. Maybe we all need to pause and consider whether we need to recalibrate, make sure we have our priorities right.... My thoughts and prayers are with her husband, children, family and friends as they try to deal with their loss.


  1. Hi Jenny - beautiful shot with a poignant message. Your post is just right - we do all need to pause and consider our world and follow her example ... I will write at another time ... but I join you and many others as she was highly respected around the world for her roles in helping others.

    Thanks - brilliantly written - with thoughts for a peaceful weekend - Hilary

  2. This is a beautiful shot. Her murder made the news here in North America too... senseless.

  3. It was shocking to hear this news yesterday.

  4. Glad you found some beauty in our tragic society. I feel your loss.

  5. You planted that song in my ear. I like it, so it is not a problem . . . yet.

    The madness of these killings is so upsetting. America has far more of them, to our shame, but this one seems particularly senseless and might influence the Brexit outcome. One hates for lone gunmen to have this kind of influence.
