
Tuesday 28 June 2016

How green is my valley

Goit Stock circular walk
Fancy another walk? This time it isn't so far, only about three miles, though in parts it is rocky and needs a bit of careful scrambling so it took me longer than I anticipated. The walk starts and ends in the village of Harden, right by the Malt Shovel pub, so that's handy for a beer at the end!

(The Malt Shovel, incidentally, has a place in my personal history as I was having lunch there - egg and chips, I will never forget - the day I went into labour when my daughter was born. I was sitting ram-rod straight on a bar stool and wondering why I felt so stiff and achy!)

The walk follows the stream called Harden Beck, past an estate of what we call here 'park homes', which are small bungalows that are classed as mobile homes, even though they are not actually mobile. They are often communities of retired people. The path then enters Goit Stock woods. It is a lush, green valley, especially after rain but it can get muddy so I hope you are wearing your boots.

I did the walk a few weeks ago when the last of the bluebells were fading and the wild garlic was in full bloom - and fragrance!

ws the little valley


  1. It is very green. I would love to do that walk.

  2. Very green Jenny. Oh la! What super memories of the 'Malt Shovel'

  3. Peaceful. What a name for a pub!

  4. Can't get much greener than that, jennyfreckles.
