
Sunday 12 June 2016

Little dipper

I was delighted to spot this little bird hopping about in the stream, Loadpit Beck, that runs down to join the River Aire at Hirst Weir. You commonly see them in rivers up in the Dales and I was pleased to see one so close to Saltaire. There are houses only a hundred yards away from this spot, so it isn't exactly out in the wilds. The bird is a dipper. They eat insect larvae and freshwater shrimps and are often seen walking in and under the water in search of food. They flit about on the rocks and have a characteristic bobbing action that leads to their very apt name.
I was even more delighted to get a decent photo with my new lens. :)


  1. Hi Jenny - excellent photo - aren't they delightful. I note he's on a 'dry' and algae free spot - must be his/her regular dipping post ... have a very happy and peaceful Sunday and week ahead .. cheers Hilary

  2. Delightful little birds and a pleasing photo - most wildlife photographers make the mistake (to my mind anyway) of getting in too close and showing nothing of the environment.

  3. Very fine photo, jennyfreckles.
