
Tuesday 7 June 2016


Saltaire Arts Trail 2016 - Contemporary textile artist Maria Walker created this installation of organic, looping tumbles of fabric spilling out from an old Singer treadle sewing machine. I rather liked it, though I am not sure where you would display such a large sculpture... Maybe if you had a very big house you could find room. (I'm sure if you had a cat it would LOVE it!) Perhaps I was drawn to it because the machine is very similar to the one my mum had, on which I learned to sew. Looking at Maria's website, it seems she does some much smaller and more house-friendly pieces too.

The wallpaper in the house where this piece was displayed was, I found, a little distracting in the background, so I have played about with the photo a bit. I'm pleased with this effect.


  1. Whatever you did with the pic really turned out splendidly.

  2. Your photograph is very effective, jennyfreckles. I like the artwork. Do I have a place for it? No, but the does not prevent me from enjoying looking at it.
