
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Knit nack

Leeds Waterfront Festival - Is this true in other places, that there is a craze of so-called 'yarn-bombing'? People knit lots of squares and join them together into blankets or scarves and then wrap them round and over things in the street. Around the Bradford rail station where I arrive on my way to work, they have decorated lamp-posts and trees. (However could you improve on a tree?)

In Leeds there was a knitted narrowboat and a knitted ice-cream van. (The van also sold knitted finger puppets, which I have found can provide a useful distraction for fractious toddlers!)

Incidentally the Italianate towers in the background were part of an extension to a factory, founded by T R Harding in the 1800s, that made steel pins for carding and combing in the textile industry. There are three towers, each based on actual Italian towers in Verona, Florence and San Gimignano.  They provided ventilation to filter the steel dust. The factory closed in 1981 and the buildings have been partially converted to office use.


  1. There was a spell of this in Cambridge a year or two ago when knitted objects would appear overnight, but all seems quiet these days,

  2. Yarn bombing occasionally happens here. I remember a park that had benches and light posts decorated with knitted wrapping.

  3. Love the van, Jenny! It happens here a bit.

  4. I am feeling left out. The only time I have seen "yarn bombing" in person was in Napa Valley, maybe four years ago. Everyone else shows them, but not me.
