
Saturday 30 July 2016

The birds

Bingley Show 2016 - The birds of prey on display on the Wise Owls stand were all rescue birds. They rehabilitate them where possible and return them to the wild. Some, for various reasons, cannot be re-wilded. They become tame and used to being handled and are ideal for 'close encounters'. It is particularly good that children are able to get close to them and learn to appreciate them.

The beautiful Barn Owl above is called Bubbles. Barn Owls are native to Britain and the light plumage makes them look like ghosts, swooping silently in the twilight. My (country-living) sister had one that roosted in her barn/ garage. I've only ever seen one in the wild once but they are unforgettable. 

The pretty bird below is a Gyr x Saker Falcon called Ghost.


  1. I have a special affinity with Barn Owls - there was a pair that lived in the church tower opposite the family home...
    Amazing, not to mention beautiful, birds!

  2. They're beautiful birds. There's a conservation area near where I grew up that has these birds, some that can't be returned to the wild, and are used for educational programs.

  3. I love the face of the barn owl!
