
Saturday 23 July 2016

We're going on an owl hunt

One of the fun things to do in Leeds is to go on an owl hunt. There is even a map and a trail! Owls feature on the Coat of Arms of the city and the motif is repeated all over Leeds in various guises. The three owls date back to the coat of arms of the Savile family of Anjou in France, who were given large tracts of land in Yorkshire by William the Conqueror after his invasion in 1066. One of their descendants, Sir John Savile, became the Leeds' first Alderman in 1626 and the city Coat of Arms, three owls. three stars and a fleece, was devised at that time.


  1. That sounds smarter than chasing the real thing. I have tried that a few times and failed.

  2. Those owls look a bit hawkish, don't they? Did you track them all down along the trail?

  3. That's quite beautifully designed.

  4. They look like Long-Eared Owls and they're very difficult to see in the wild. These must be easier to track down.

  5. That would be fun. Like looking for the cats in York!
