
Sunday, 21 August 2016

Me and my stick

This is my younger granddaughter. She'll soon be two and is growing up fast. She is a prolific 'signer', having benefitted from the baby-signing lessons she has been to with her mum, but is now learning lots of words. Sometimes I just wish I could bottle moments for posterity... like the moment recently when we were all having lunch together and she gave me the most adorable smile and simply said: 'Happy'. She is a contented little soul. She is also a stick-gatherer extraordinaire. I think stick-gathering must be some atavistic human trait but maybe we grow out of it.


  1. A gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful portrait.

  2. Oh my, she is so beautiful! I wish they wouldn't grow up so fast. Mine are 12, 8 and 4 and it seems like they were just babies!

  3. I suppose we do grow out of that. She's cute!

  4. Hi Jenny - what a delight ... wonderful to see and fantastic to think about: HAPPY ... oh yes ... cheers Hilary
