
Thursday 8 September 2016

Ilkley Moor

We're having very mixed weather, one minute it's warm and sunny and the next it is grey and raining heavily. Confusing! My camera club had a nice idea that people should go out on a 'photo hunt' one weekend (like a treasure hunt but taking photos) and provided a leaflet full of clues to sights around Ilkley. I only had one possible day to do it and it was really dull and damp for most of the day but by late afternoon it had brightened up a bit, so I set off. Had a really good circular walk, through the town and up onto the edge of Ilkley Moor. The heather is beginning to bloom but this part of the moor, so close to the town, only has a few patches. I somehow missed a large chunk of the walk by taking a wrong turn but it was still fun to explore.