
Wednesday 21 September 2016

Sea shells?

Saltaire Festival 2016 - This was a lovely early autumn back garden, full of soft shades of pink and gold. It is much bigger than the Saltaire yards because it belongs to a house on the estate adjacent to Saltaire. They were built as social housing in the 1920s or 30s, I believe. Anyway, it is really nice to see participation in the Festival spreading beyond the World Heritage Site boundary into its 'buffer zone', as the surrounding areas are called. This little oasis was surprisingly peaceful, apart perhaps from when a train passes by on the nearby line, though they are mostly electric trains and thus relatively quiet.

The garden held a couple of resin sculptures by Maddy Smith, reminiscent of sea shells.


  1. A lovely spot! It looks huge compared to the other gardens.

  2. It looks good. Sedum is pretty boring all throughout the spring and summer, when other flowers are taking their bows, but as autumn arrives and the others have called it quits, sedum's soft pinks look good.
