
Wednesday, 2 November 2016

We are fearless...

I am tickled by the new livery on our local Northern Railway trains: 'We are fearless; we are Northern'. There is always something defiant and proud about us northerners; so much in the UK is London and south-centric. The Conservative government have been talking about a 'Northern Powerhouse' for several years, the idea being to boost the key northern cities, improve transport links and bring in investment. We will believe it when we see it! I recently saw a spoof article (here) that seemed to sum it up. It said that the government have now decided that the Northern Powerhouse will be relocated to London! Many a true word is spoken in jest... Already the Tories have announced a plan to move 228 jobs in the 'Northern Powerhouse' department from Sheffield to London!
Anyway, I am adopting the railway strapline for my blog. We are fearless!


  1. Expensive housing, crowded roads, late trains, frequent visits from politicians - you really wouldn't want to be like the South!

    1. I certainly wouldn't. I've rarely had any desire to move south, though there is also some beautiful scenery and lots to explore. I prefer short visits!

  2. That logo could work for us here in Canada!

  3. Yes, there does tend to be a disregard in Canada for areas outside the southern urban centers.

  4. Nice. I saw your new header and wondered about it.
