
Friday 6 January 2017

Winter beauty

We've had some beautiful mornings in the last few weeks, with early morning mist in the valleys being burnt off by winter sunshine as the day unfolds. Having been unwell with a virus for a few weeks before Christmas, I had to miss a lot of the potential photo opportunities, which was deeply frustrating. (Damp and mist don't do congested respiratory systems a lot of good!) Thankfully I mended in time for Christmas and had some lovely walks. This is no more rural than one of our local parks, Myrtle Park in Bingley, but it looked stunning with the light catching the trees and the misty background providing some separation. I'm feeling so fortunate to have such beauty virtually on my doorstep.

(The bad news is I caught another cold over the New Year and I'm back to sniffling and coughing. Gah!)


  1. Get your rest!

    This is a very peaceful shot.

  2. I can tell that you MADE this image beautiful from a pretty ordinary scene. Excellent! And, take care of yourself. Two colds or viruses (viri?) within a short time mean you aren't taking care of yourself.
