
Sunday, 12 February 2017

Tulip time

I love it when tulips start being on sale in the florists again. There's something so rich and voluptuous about them. The ones I've bought recently have been these multi-coloured bouquets. For some reason, perhaps the variety or that they must be 'forced' indoors as it is still so early in the season, they seem to stay upright and don't flop over as they mature, which is a pity as I also like the random floppiness effect of dying tulips. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with this bunch - both in real life and in my photo.


  1. Tulips seem to like it cold. I placed a vase of them on the grave and for two whole weeks of bitterly freezing weather they stood bolt upright in icy water smart and colourful like Grenadiers on parade!

  2. They're a cheerful sight. We'll have our tulip festival in May.

  3. Gorgeous image Jenny, wonderful depth and richness of colour. Just been looking back, I can see that you are enjoying retirement very much.. here's to many such excellent images..

  4. These are wonderful, jennyfreckles. I like mixed bouquets better, too.
