
Tuesday 21 March 2017

February theme

The February theme for my online photo group was 'Angles' so I spent a few days out and about looking for photos on that subject. It would have been easy enough to go to Leeds. There are angles aplenty in the modern office blocks and hotels of a big city. Instead I decided to stay closer to home as that seemed more of a challenge. It's often quite fun having a theme. I find I notice things that otherwise perhaps I wouldn't see.

I would not normally be found photographing the closed-up market stalls in Shipley, but I found 'angles' there. At first I was getting slightly irritated that cars kept passing the archway at the end and people kept walking through unexpectedly. However, I finally decided that I liked this shot best, out of all those I took here. The passer-by provides a point of interest and movement, a softer foil for all those hard lines.


  1. That's a great shot. Couldn't work out what the boards were at first then realised it was a market. Perfect in black and white.

  2. It's an outstanding photo. And as I've commented before, some shots simply demand to be in B&W. Great work!

  3. It does end up making a splendid shot- very slice of life in its feeling.

  4. I like this a lot. A figure added something special to it. And by the way.....I can't find you on Facebook.....that whole thing is a bit of a mystery to me. Glad you are still in blog land!

  5. She makes this shot, Jenny!

  6. Without her, it would have been pretty bland. But, with her rotund human form passing through, you had an interesting form to highlight the many lines and angles. Black and white was a good choice.
