
Monday, 24 April 2017

Pink path

Normally I arrive at my weekly Camera Club meetings after dark but in the last few weeks of the club season, when we've changed the clocks to BST, it is light when I arrive. After a week's break for Easter, I was unprepared for the amazing sight of all these cherry trees in full blossom on the path up to Addingham church. (We meet in the church hall.) I didn't have my camera (!) so this is an iPhone photo. The cherry blossom all around this area is really splendid this year, although a cold snap is forecast this coming week so that may ruin it prematurely.

I'd planned to photograph this last weekend's World Heritage celebrations in Saltaire. I had a prior engagement on Saturday and then a migraine on Sunday! So, no photos - and it's been a lovely sunny weekend too. I feel I am failing in my 'local 'reporter' duties!! Must do better...
If you want to see how real reporters covered it, click here!


  1. Jenny we are more than happy with our roaming Reporterin and wish you most sincerely a speedy "Besserung"!

  2. Sorry about your migraine
    Lovely photo

  3. Wonderful! I can't believe how heavy those branches are with blossoms!
