
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Micklethwaite (Walk part 2)

The track I was following (see yesterday) led through this cluster of cottages, into the village of Micklethwaite. It's an attractive village that has won the 'Best Kept Village in Yorkshire' accolade a couple of times and is protected as a Conservation Area. A settlement here dates back to the days of the Vikings (10th century) but the existing village buildings date to between the 17th and 19th centuries, with some more recent housing at the lower end of the village. Whereas once the residents worked in textile mills (there were at least two mills in the immediate area), nowadays the occupants are mostly professional and business people, or retired.

The village's red telephone box, which I guess is rarely used, could not have a more picturesque setting.

There are some lovely houses and pretty gardens, all very well cared for.

The walk leaves the village and climbs up again, giving a view over Micklethwaite and back to East Morton, a neighbouring and much bigger settlement.

I then followed the road back down to the canal at another swing bridge, with a goose on guard duty!

The fields to the left in the photo are earmarked for development, a huge estate of more than 400 houses. There has been a massive fight over the last nine years by local residents to prevent the development going ahead, but I understand it has recently been approved by the Secretary of State for Communities, although there may yet be another appeal by the action group.

One of the sticking points is that the only access is by the single track swing bridge shown below, which will have to be enlarged and replaced. The building shown, now a house, was originally a warehouse for goods transported along the canal. You can see the bricked-up loading bay at the bottom of the wall.

As I said yesterday, it was a short walk but a most pleasant one.


  1. Oh lovely Jenny. I'm so glad you liked the walk. You are fortunate to have this countryside on your doorstep. I loved seeing the area again through your pictures.
    I'ts a shame about the housing development. I do hope they think again.
    Jacquie x

  2. What a charming walk! Love the stone favorite!

  3. I think the development would be the sort of thing that takes away from the character of the place. Too many houses.

    The red phone box is a delight. There's one on the grounds of the home of the British High Commissioner here. I may visit this weekend for our Doors Open event.

  4. Lovely pictures
    It's heart breaking such a beautiful place that is so much what I believe many think of as England, is being ruined. It is a terrible shame such soulful places are abused by development.
