
Friday, 5 May 2017

Sunlight glass

Liverpool trip
The stained glass in Christ Church, Port Sunlight, is rather special. It has huge east and west windows (too big for me to photograph effectively) but I also liked the windows in the transepts and side aisles too. As far as I'm aware, it is relatively unusual for a nonconformist church to have figurative stained glass. They are often quite plainly decorated. 

The window above represents the main streams of English church life since the Reformation and key figures within them: Episcopal (Thomas Cranmer), Congregational (John Robinson), Presbyterian (Richard Baxter) and Methodist (John Wesley).  The work is believed to be by a London company called Heaton, Butler and Bayne, who were very well known in the late 19th and early 20th century. Examples of their work can be found in hundreds of churches across Britain - and I am really pleased to have discovered this fact, as I believe they also made the beautiful windows in my own church

The windows below are the work of the Hungarian artist, Ervin Bossanyi (1891 - 1975), whose work, in a byzantine style, is highly prized.