
Saturday, 10 June 2017

The red vote

I felt a bit overwhelmed on the day after our General Election, when the results were coming through. On the one hand there was much to celebrate, with young people coming out in droves to vote (and having a big impact) and a very positive result for Labour's anti-austerity manifesto: 'For the many, not the few'. On the other hand, to my dismay, my own constituency has kept its hard-right Conservative MP, albeit with a much-reduced majority - and in the end the numbers just didn't add up overall for a real change. It all looks rather confusing at the moment; time will tell how things bed down.

I suppose it didn't help that I'd stayed up until 3.30 am watching the TV coverage! I was tired but I needed escape, so I drove over to Harrogate for a soothing walk around the RHS gardens at Harlow Carr. Whatever time of year you visit, there is always something new to see. They are particularly good at providing little 'set-pieces' in and among the grand vistas. This was one of a series of three small gardens all designed to provide habitat for hedgehogs, which are apparently as under threat in our ecosystem as tigers are in their territories. Vote for hedgehogs!


  1. Hi Jenny - love your photo .. and yes I too was somewhat surprised at all the results - we've moved into the next era of voting it seems. We have a change here too - we are now Liberal ...

    Vote for the hedgehogs most definitely ... that's delightful seeing the garden - any more photos to share about the gardens anon ... enjoy the weekend - cheers Hilary

  2. In an election the Brits are always good for a surprise. I am still reeling from their decision to leave the European Union. We live in exciting times, Jenny!

  3. A very pleasant and peaceful locale!
