
Friday 21 July 2017

Open Gardens Shipley

A recent weekend saw many private gardens opened locally in Shipley, to raise money for The Children's Society. This is an annual event, though rarely do we see such good weather for it! It is always a delight to see what people can do with 'ordinary' gardens, the modest-sized plots that many of our suburban houses are blessed with.

The garden in my first photo above had a pretty rose-covered arch, a pond and plenty of areas to sit, lots of fruit trees and bushes, a greenhouse and a very desirable shed-cum-art-studio at the top of the garden.

The one below is a very steep plot, rising up vertiginous steps to woodland. It boasts a water feature, with a small waterfall cascading into a pool full of fish. There was masses of colour and some cute creatures hiding (spot the owls?). All could be enjoyed from a large terrace at the bottom, with some comfortable seating (and refreshments).

The plot below was a long garden, separated cleverly into 'rooms' to break up the view. The fence had a passion flower vine spilling over it. I remember being amazed the first time I ever saw one. The flowers have such an intricate structure, which earned the plant its name when Spanish Christian missionaries in the 15th century used the flower as a symbol of Christ's crucifixion. I didn't think they were hardy enough to grow as far north as this, but this one looked extremely healthy and was full of buds.


  1. Like you I'm always astonished at what people achieve in small gardens. However I can't help but wonder if they actually find time to do anything else. I'm hoping that retirement holds more delights than just gardening.

  2. My gran had passion flowers growing in her conservatory, for years. As a kid, I, too, was fascinated by the intricate structure.

  3. Beautiful gardens. I love the water feature and stone steps.

  4. Wow! These gardeners have quite a gift and an eye for how to arrange things. Beautiful shots.

  5. The second garden certainly uses all of its small space.
