
Thursday, 7 December 2017

Bird spotting

Another day, another walk... It was a sunny but chilly day and there were few people about, but there seemed to be lots of birds. Some I recognised, some I didn't, most didn't stay still long enough for a photo - and my 18-200mm lens isn't really good enough for bird photography anyway.

I was interested to spot a cormorant on the river. I've not noticed one round here before, though I know they do frequent inland waters as well as the coast. Its plumage was quite pale so I think it's a juvenile.

As I returned to Saltaire, I spotted a beautiful jay on a garden wall. They rank amongst my favourites and I see them quite often in woods and large gardens, though rarely near enough to capture with my camera.


  1. That's a fine picture of the Jay, so unusual for them to pose at all. Around here Cormorants appear occasionally on rivers but more often on flooded gravel pits where they are very numerous.

  2. The jay is unlike the ones we have here.

  3. I've never seen one of your Jays! How unusual he looks to these eyes!

  4. You had a cormorant today and I was out shooting at an anhinga, its cousin. Probably make a blog appearance in a week or two.

  5. Love your little Jay.. I see cormorants all the time here, and I know the small birds are around but so darned hard to snap ☺
