
Wednesday 3 January 2018

What a difference

As I noted a few days ago, I often seem to photograph (and post) a picture of Saltaire's church in the week between Christmas and New Year. But what a difference a few days makes, when the weather changes suddenly. From Saturday's golden light (HERE) to an altogether cooler scene, with everything under a covering of snow. I don't prefer one over the other... I'm just glad to live in this temperate climate, where you never quite know from one week to the next what the days will be like. It can be infuriating, especially if you're trying to plan an outing, but it's full of delights too.


  1. The bush at the canal edge seems to have grown very fast indeed. On the photos taken when you first started your blog it is simply not there.

  2. Its nice to have photos to compare. The snow is lovely.

  3. Full of photographic delights but not wardrobe delights.

  4. Outdoor activities do have to bow to the weather...but fortunately photography can capture the beauty anyway. I was wondering yesterday if the digital works in a camera have problems at 10 degrees F.

  5. I love both images also Jenny, every season has it's beauty. I just wish I had snow as one of my choices 😊

  6. It is a beautiful scene to capture in all seasons and weather.

  7. Magical comes to mind with this shot, Jenny.

  8. It doesn't look like the same place!
