
Wednesday 14 February 2018

Fog, rain, sleet

Fog, rain, sleet, wind - oh, what dreary weather we're having. I know it's winter but I much prefer the type of winter where we get dry, crisp, sunny days. It's been much colder overall here this winter, than last, but I don't mind that. (I always find it's easier to get warm when you're cold than cool when you're too hot! So our northerly climate suits me well, actually.) But I do mind the damp and dull days, when you really can't get out for a good walk. This was what it looked like driving back from my daughter's the other day. The views over towards Haworth were obscured by the drizzly mist and I had to dodge huge puddles and sheets of water sluicing across the moorland road. I got home safely... and that's the nicest bit: getting home, pulling up a chair by the fire and having a mug of hot tea to warm me through again. Aahhh....


  1. So foggy here this morning I couldn't see anything but the tree branches right outside my windows...will change my travel plans till this afternoon! Comfortable inside!

  2. The mist adds a wonderful tone to this shot.

  3. We have had some dreary days here too. I am ready for spring!

  4. It is +5˚C and sunny here today so our snow is slowly melting away and everyone is smiling! It has been a cold one here this year too and very cloudy & windy.

  5. It is a very pretty scene you have captured. The winters in the northern part of the USA sure look tougher than this scene.
