
Monday 26 March 2018


I think English pubs, when lit up at night, look rather cosy and inviting. This is only an iPhone picture and a bit blurry for that. I stopped to take it, on the spur of the moment, when I was on my way to a meeting the other evening.

It shows a long-standing pub that for many years was called The Victoria. Built in 1875, it is on the opposite side of Saltaire Road from the model village itself and thus escaped the original ban on licensed premises within Saltaire. I wrote about in 2010 when it had just undergone a refurbishment. (See HERE)  It has recently been done up again and has been renamed The Salt Cellar. From what I've read, the new owner has also made a significant change in style, away from a traditional pub with TV and pool tables to real ale and craft beers and a specialist gin bar. They are also planning live entertainment and music at weekends and afternoon sing-a-longs around a piano for us oldies!! (I can't wait!)

It is, I think, an attempt to compete with (or work with, depending on one's viewpoint) existing bars such as the ever-popular Fanny's Ale House just up the road, and the increasing number of micropubs and bars in the area. They want people to have a 'pub crawl' route through the area. As far as I can count, this is one of twelve drinking places around Saltaire, in an area of no more than two square miles (not counting restaurants and off-licences). Sir Titus, who was famously opposed to drinking establishments in his village, though he wasn't teetotal as some say, would turn in his grave.


  1. Jenny, your pub does indeed look clean and inviting. I have not been into a pub for decades. Why? I am a non-smoker. The stink of old cigarette smoke, the filthy walls, the dreadful gaseous beer put them on my no-go list. But, this new Salt Cellar looks really clean and cosy!

  2. Doesn't appear to be heaving with drinkers. The landlord should learn to draw the curtains when the pub is empty and put some music on, otherwise people just pass by and go to somewhere that looks busier.

  3. Many pubs are having a hard time at the moment, with lots of closures, so its good to see a new [refurbuished] one.
