
Sunday 22 April 2018

Human tide

And so to Oxford Circus, a heaving and cosmopolitan mass of people. It was actually a little scary trying to get down the stairs into the underground station, swept along by a tide of humanity and almost as powerless against the current as one would be in the raging sea. I love visiting London for a day or two but I'm also enormously glad not to have to live there. It's so noisy and exhausting. Glad to be home!


  1. Even when I lived there as a student, many years ago, you could spot the visitors to the city by the way they hesitated at the top of escalators and stood back when the tube train arrived. Cambridge always seemed very small and pokey when I returned. I liked living there then but, despite living just a short train ride away, I hardly ever go now.

  2. Excellent street shot, Jenny. I would love to see London someday.
