
Saturday 12 May 2018

Marianne Springham

Saltaire Arts Trail 2018

Some of the art on display is easy to embrace, whereas some needs a bit more work to relate to... Marianne Springham's work fell into the latter category for me but it was certainly educative. She was exhibiting in the Methodist Church, which seemed an unlikely setting for a giant felt heart and paintings of kittens. Perhaps I should have been alerted by the row of tiny red shoes and boots on the way in! This was a bit different...

Marianne is interested in the work of 'Outsider artists' (see HERE) and this installation was inspired by Walter Potter, a Victorian taxidermist who created whimsical dioramas, using stuffed animals mimicking human life. One of his pieces was called 'The Kittens' Wedding' and that apparently inspired Marianne's painting on show here. 


  1. Thanks for the link to the Outsider Artists - that reminded me about John Craske, the strange fisherman/fishmonger/disabled painter and embroiderer - on Googling him I was reminded that I'd read a review of a book about him - that had me looking on Amazon then downloading the book to my Kindle - then I started reading a few pages - that led to me not doing anything else this morning...
    See what you've done!!!

    1. Oops, sorry. But isn't that the joy of retirement?

  2. The heart is on the gruesome side, even more so in contrast to the kittens. Good photos

  3. Such a contrast between the heart and the kittens.
