
Tuesday 8 May 2018

Old haunts

April was a capricious month, with all extremes of weather from snow to the hottest April day for over 70 years. Right at the end of the month, I walked my favourite local route and it's always interesting to see what has changed from last time I did it. Now spring has arrived, it is all happening fast: leaves unfurling, blossom out and even bluebells in the woods. These photos don't, however, convey how extremely cold it was. I can't recall having to wear my winter lined walking trousers so late in the year before.

The allotments in front of Salts Mill are greening up and starting to look lush. The little boat that offers short canal trips has reappeared and the ice cream boat is back in business, though possibly more hot drinks were being sold than ice creams that day. There were some baby geese on the lawns by the church, too far away to get a photo though.

The local heron was trying his luck fishing by Hirst Lock.

There were bluebells in flower on the south-facing slopes beside the River Aire, but those in Hirst Woods were not so advanced. I'll have to go back this week to see them. We've just had a very hot and sunny early May Bank Holiday weekend, so I'm sure that will have brought them out. I've been out and about at the Saltaire Arts Trail over the weekend, but photos of that will have to wait until I've had time to sort and process them...


  1. The ice cream boat is back in business! I must call in for an Ice Cream.

  2. Herons fascinate me. They're such patient birds. Terrific shots!

  3. It sure looks like spring even if it didn't feel like it!

  4. Yes, yes, these are familiar places, but well worth visiting and revisiting.
