
Sunday, 22 July 2018

Barns and wildflowers

I took loads of photos in Muker's wildflower meadows, but this one perhaps sums up as well as any the experience of being there on a wonderfully sunny day. It's a barn reflected in the cobweb strewn window of another barn. I spent ages lying on my stomach on the edge of the path too, trying to capture the feel of the flowers. You'll have to imagine the warmth of the sun and the gentle hum of insects.

All the world encapsulated in a drop of spittlebug foam, under a buttercup!


  1. All of these photos are great, but that first one is a classic. Well done! Jim

  2. Just looking back at last posts Jenny, the English summer looks magical through your lens.. couldn't be more different than my skies right now ☺

  3. Experience of being there on a wonderfully sunny day!
