
Monday 9 July 2018

Potty about plants

The month of June saw the annual Shipley Open Gardens event, when local people in the Nab Wood area open their gardens to raise money for The Children's Society, a charity that supports vulnerable children in England and Wales. Many gardens also serve refreshments, which were very welcome this year, as it was a wonderfully hot and sunny weekend. There were fifteen gardens to see over two afternoons. I always choose to walk the circuit rather than take the car but I got rather hot and sticky this year! I was thankful for some respite in the shade in some of the gardens.

I noticed in particular some very attractive container-grown plants. I haven't even planted my pots yet this year. It's been so dry that I'd have to spend half my days watering them! But the loving care these specimens in my photos have received shows through.


  1. Flowers give endless pleasure! Apparently Prince Charles speaks to his plants, and I do too.

  2. Difficult to keep plants adequately watered during this warm weather. Those all look in superb condition.

  3. It is amazing how dry it has been over there!
