
Sunday 23 September 2018

Green scene

Probably my favourite few yards of the local canal towpath, it's opposite Saltaire's church yet you could be miles away from 'civilisation'. The trees on either side bend over to form almost a tunnel-like effect. It's magical in autumn when the leaves are golden but equally lovely at this time of year with the different greens reflected in the canal. You do have to beware of cyclists zooming up from behind. Being deaf, I don't hear their bells so I'm often in danger of being mown down! This guy did at least thank me for getting out of his way.


  1. At least you have a nice wide path at that point so cyclists should have no problem getting past. It does however leave one question unanswered: why on earth would anyone wish to go zooming through such a beautiful and peaceful location?

  2. I am astonished how the trees beside the canal have simply exploded in the past fifty years. I confess as a cycling teenager I used to zoom in order to prepare the next lock/ swing bridge. But then, one had the towpath all to oneself. It was much narrower then, and in rainy weather extremely muddy.

  3. Beautiful photo of a very familiar patch. I'm one of those cyclists 'zooming' towards Silsden, Rodley Nature Reserve or Hollybush Farm and other spots along our lovely towpath, but I will try to remember that it's not only headphones that prevent walkers hearing my bell/horn.
