
Wednesday 24 October 2018


The ever-expanding flocks of geese on the local river and canal are getting to be a menace. The grass and the riverside path in Roberts Park are covered in droppings and it is all rather smelly. The Canada geese seem to prefer the river and fields upstream of Hirst Weir. There was a flotilla of more than sixty birds as I walked that way the other day. Here are just five of them, against a rather pretty backdrop of autumn tinted saplings.

A little further on, foliage made a frame for the grey heron, standing motionless and patient waiting for his dinner.


  1. Geese are not very particular in their habits, are they? Oh, if only all birds were as cooperative as the Heron when it comes to posing for photographs!

  2. We have had some goose droppings problems around the Lake Tomahawk area...I learned to walk watching my step then stopping to look around, rather than walking with my head in the clouds!

  3. Herons always appeal to me. They seem to have such infinite patience.

  4. The geese are a problem here too in many open spaces and parks.
