
Monday 17 December 2018

Nativity nightmare

This crib scene was set up at the entrance to the Christmas Market in Leeds. Whilst it is refreshing to see 'the reason for the season' being acknowledged, it seemed to me rather a weird set-up. The baby Jesus appears to have been born weighing at least 25 kilos. He's a lot bigger than the donkey. No wonder his mother, Mary, is on her knees. Yikes. We have a giant sheep, next to a cow no bigger than a large dog. As to the shepherd boy, he looks as though he'd be more at home in the Tyrol than in Bethlehem. And all decorated with baubles and nestled under a Christmas tree. Oh well... nice try anyway.


  1. The artists who created all those figures sure didn't look at each other's've nailed it, proportions went out the window, in the spirit of just making a lifelike figure!

  2. That is one big newborn!

    Yes, the shepherd particularly seems out of place.

  3. These creators should be compelled to attend a course at Saltaire where so many gifted artists live!

  4. A bit of fun at Christmas! ;-)

  5. Does the "Please Do Not Touch" notice relate specifically to Mary?
