
Saturday 12 January 2019

All roads lead to the Mill

This is a phone shot, as that's all I had with me when I wanted to capture a glorious burst of clear blue skies and sunshine that snuck in among a run of dank, dreary days. I was walking down towards Salts Mill, an edifice that you really can't miss, with that huge chimney soaring skywards. There's a fairly steep hill up to the main (Bradford) road and the view from up there is pretty good, looking north across the valley towards Baildon and Hope Hill. I normally try to exclude from my photos the apartment blocks and other boring things that surround our lovely World Heritage Site but I guess sometimes I should show the unvarnished truth. At least they are not high-rise blocks.


  1. Yes its nice to include everything sometimes. It is still a nice pic showing the history of your town.

  2. I like how the buildings stair step down the hill...showing how the road goes down to the river valley.

  3. Very nice -- the curve of the road and the stair steps of houses on the left,

  4. I like to see all of these terrace homes. Reminds me of Coronation Street!

  5. You've captured a good view. The buildings blend in with the sun, shadows, and landscape.

  6. I like the view and so happy that the mills closed up.

  7. Salts Mill chimney served one, or several, Scotch boilers providing motive factory power. Is this 150-year heart of all manufacturing production open for public inspection? Can it be photographed, Jenny?
