
Saturday 5 January 2019

Fog on the Aire

Christmas Eve turned out to be a beautiful day: clear and cold, with a heavy frost. It was the first day I could get out with my new camera, having sussed out at least the basics of its operating system. What a treat it was, enjoying the cold, crisp air and experimenting with the new gear. I struggled to figure out the focusing system, so some of the photos didn't turn out all that well. This one was one of the better ones, showing the mist rising on the surface of the river as the sun rose and warmed things up.


  1. "Cold, crisp air" is not always the best for fiddling with unfamiliar camera controls, even if it is great for walking. Wishing you many happy hours with your new photographic friend!

  2. Beautiful photograph, I can almost feel the chill in the air and hear the birds.

  3. It looks like a lovely day!

  4. The frost on the grass was a good bit to include, otherwise it might have just been hot steamy this says how much warmer the water was than the cold air. Thanks.

  5. Looks like the air there is very crisp, wish it was cold here.
