
Friday 15 March 2019

Gentle adventuring

There was some beautiful morning light on this scene, as I watched a boat negotiate Hirst Lock and then pass through the swing bridge on its way to Bingley, with the promise of Dowley Gap Lock and then the Three and Five Rise locks to come. It's an energetic stretch of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal for the person who has to keep leaping off the boat! I often think a life afloat would be idyllic. It's only the realisation that it isn't a one person job that stops me daydreaming of a gentle adventure.

Incidentally, I noticed someone has applied for planning permission to build three large detached houses on the site just to the right of this picture. It's where the derelict garden centre is currently decaying (see HERE). I guess a few more houses (there are a few old cottages opposite) may not, in the end, cause as much traffic as a revamped garden centre would. It all puts a strain on the swing bridge though.


  1. You are quite right Jenny, it is a job for two. One develops expertise in leaping off the boat, bicycle in hand, to ride ahead and prepare the locks or swing the bridges. After which one leaps back onto the boat/ barge again. One needs a competent steersman/woman (!!)

  2. I had friends who regularly took their holidays on the canals when we were all much younger. They were always badgering me to go along but somehow other things got in the way, something which of course I now regret.

  3. It is for us self-evident, but very true, that the most attractive part of the Leeds and Liverpool canal lies within Yorkshire! Descending from the summit level the flat East Plain of Lancashire has little to commend it apart from the impressive 23-lock descent at Wigan, which is only for the toughest.

  4. This is a lovely scene Jenny. The trees lining the side of the canal are fabulous. Looks like the perfect sunny, yet chilly, winter morning ✨
